Mommy/Daddy, I'm not scared!

Your child's first dental visit should be enjoyable.

Prepare your child before the visit. Give nice remarks about the coming BIG EVENT , never using the dentist as punishment or to impose discipline. Plan to arrive on time.  And do not give the child a full meal right before the visit lest he or she throws up during the mouth examination!


Let the dentist do the talking so your child knows whom to listen to. Enjoy the experience with your child.

You may bring a camera to record that FIRST time of your child with the dentist.

After the visit it would be nice to compliment your child for being brave. A token of gift or toy as a reward would reinforce his or her behaviour, no matter how difficult it may have been during the first visit!

Congratulate the child for the job well done. It is already a big step forward 🙂



good or bad behavior during the visit, children deserve a reward.
It s an opportunity to interact with them. Vice versa

Something to remember the dentist by. They ll be asking when s the next visit!